What's That?
I have a habit of not washing my jeans after every wearing. They don't get too dirty since I don't normally wear them for too long. I also don't empty out the pockets after each wear, which makes for some interesting finds from time to time.
Today after work, I went out to eat with one of my coworkers. As I wrote a few days ago, my uniform is hideous, so I brought a change of clothes with me. Apparently the jeans were dirty, but I couldn't remember if I washed them after I wore them last.
I was talking with my boss after work today, when I picked up my jeans so I could get changed. I heard something fall out of the pocket and hit the floor. We both looked down casually to see what it was. It was the top of a beer bottle.
For a second, we both acted like we hadn't seen it. Then, she started laughing at me. I was so embarrassed. I'm bringing alcohol memorabilia to work with me. The sad thing is, I don't even remember where it came from. Possibly the pool party I went to a few weeks ago, but I didn't think I was wearing those jeans at the time.
Everyone I work with already thinks I'm an alcoholic. This just adds fuel to the fire. I know that stories will spread about me, and they will be exaggerated. By tomorrow night, people will have heard that an empty 6 pack fell out of my pants and I was drunk. Oh the humanity.