Tuesday, August 08, 2006

My Hidden Talents

A few years ago, I developed a talent that I believe is becoming a lost art. I learned how to crochet. That's right, I can crochet with the best of the grandmas of the world. Before you judge me and make fun of me for it, let me just tell you how much I love to do it.

I had a hard time learning the proper way to crochet. I'm left handed, and my brother in law's mom, who tried to teach me one night(I don't remember why), is right handed. I couldn't figure it out. I was left out while everyone else made lines of crocheted yarn. I went home, and my mom, who is also left handed, taught me what to do.

It became an obsession with me for awhile. I would make blankets, scarves, even beer cozies for 40's(yes, I'm that talented). After awhile, the demand from family and friends asking me to make them something became more then I could handle, so I gave it up for awhile.

I took it back up just long enough to make a blanket for myself about a year later. The funny thing was, of all the things I made, I never kept anything for myself. I love that blanket, but it's time for a new one.

Once my schedule lets up some, I plan to make a new blanket. I'll post pictures when it's done, but it won't be for a long time. People don't understand the time it takes to make something so beautiful.

More importantly, the act of crocheting is something that I relish. It's very tedious, and your mind is able to wander as you do it. I love it. There's nothing better for calming yourself after you're stressed. I think everyone should learn how to do it.


At 8:28 PM, Blogger christa said...

so.... are you gonna make me a sweater for my birthday?!

At 6:38 AM, Blogger amanda said...

Yes, and I'd like a scarf. No pressure, though, whenever you have time.

At 9:11 AM, Blogger Chargenda said...

Can you crochet me a beer cozy?

At 3:01 PM, Blogger Sexbox said...

I would liek a dildo cozy please :)

The one time I attempted to crochet I accidentally crocheted everything to my chair.

At 12:40 AM, Blogger Noland said...

my birthday is sept 29th, get started on my blankey... black, white & burgundy...


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