My dad got a new car this past week. Actually, it's a used car, but it's new to him. You know how that goes. Anyhow, my sister went out to lunch with my family yesterday, and she asked him about it. He gave her the keys and told her to try it out. The car was at the house, and so she thought, why not?
The problem is, the car is a stick. Molly kind of knows how to drive one, but hasn't done it in a long time. We decided to go for a ride together.
I got in the car, and she said, "This car is a piece of crap, it won't start." Mind you, I have no idea how to drive a stick, but I knew you have to put the clutch in to start it. I laughed and told her that. She tried again, and again, it didn't start. I looked over and she had the gas pushed all the way down. I couldn't stop laughing.
Finally, she figured out what pedal to use and the car started. She put it in reverse, and the car stalled out. We figured at this point, we probably shouldn't drive the car because she was going to ruin it. Instead of getting out, we decided to have one last go at it.
This time, we backed it up about 3 feet and got it into the middle of the drive way before it stalled. I told her just to leave it where it was and we would leave. She wanted to put it back where it was.
Literally, about 10 minutes later, she managed to move the car the three feet she had driven it, and we left it there. Later last night, Molly called my dad for something and went on and on about how much she loves the new car and how it drives great.