Thursday, July 05, 2007


The end of February, I went to New Orleans. It was a magical trip, at least from what I remember. Anyhow, the last few days, I've been thinking about a specific night from when I was down there.
I don't really believe in fortune tellers, or any of the related spiritual advisers that are lumped in that group. For whatever reason, I decided to waste $20 dollars one night and get my cards done. I had never done it before, but I figured, why not?
I've heard before that people in this profession know what they're going to say about you as soon as you walk into the room. They're able to read your body language, asses your clothes, and listen to your voice and determine where you're from, your social class, and how your mood is by your stance. I walked in and attempted to be as nondescript as I could in everything I did and said, just to see what they would say.
As I expected, my reading was very generic. However, I kept it in mind since everything that was going to happen was going to take place in the next 6 months. I was just curious to see how much of it would come true.
Apparently, I would make lots of money and find true love. Well, I hate to bring down the mood, but it's been 4.5 months, and I'm not really making any more money then before, and love sure as hell hasn't come around me.
Has anyone else ever had their palm read or cards done? I'm just wondering if they always say the same things. Also, was it actually accurate for anyone?


At 5:32 AM, Blogger amanda said...

I've always wanted to have my palm read. Maybe you can go with me.

At 12:26 PM, Blogger Chargenda said...

Can I asses your clothes? Sounds more fun than assessing them...


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