Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A Cheap Buzz

I love how caffeine affects me. I gave up soda when I was in high school. I'll probably drink about 2 sodas over the course of a year. Since I don't drink coffee, tea, or anything with high caffeine content on a regular basis, it's always a treat when I indulge.

I was exhausted today at work. I decided to drink a Mountain Dew to get through the day. I hate soda. It has the same consistency of syrup. It does wonders for me though.

After one can of Mountain Dew, I felt like I had drank a few beers. The combination of the caffeine rush mixed with the dehydration it causes, makes me feel light and happy. Everything becomes funny, and I'm bouncing off the walls.

I think everyone I work with hates me when I drink soda. Today was no exception. I was running everywhere, trying to do as many things as I possibly could at once, all while making stupid jokes that no one but me found funny. Please don't ever let me drink soda again.


At 8:03 PM, Blogger Shining Love Pig said...

I only realised my complete and utter dependance on coffee when I tried to give it up.

At 8:41 PM, Blogger equippedtofascinate said...

Did anyone else notice that i have a new reader to my blog? How exciting. Shining love pig? I wish I could have been so clever as to have that be my name.

At 7:46 AM, Blogger lovelylisa23 said...

is this going to be like the time you said you didn't want me to let you drink anymore? cause that really didn't happen...

At 7:06 PM, Blogger Sexbox said...

I prefer Dr Pepper. Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper to be exact. Mountain Dew just gives me the creeps though. It looks too much like urine and I gave up water sports years ago.


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