Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Christmas Shopping

Christmas shopping and I don't get along well. Every year I plan to start months in advance so I'm not stressed at the last minute. Every year, I wait till the week before to start shopping. I also promise to not buy anything for myself while I'm shopping. I'm weak.

Lisa and I decided to do some shopping together today. Lisa is a real trooper because if anyone ever invited me to go shopping with them and then was as moody as I was today, I would have killed them. I had a short time frame to hit lots of stores though.

Anyhow, I was doing good. I got a few things and avoided any purchases that would be made for my own enjoyment. Then Lisa did the worst thing anyone could do to me when I'm trying to not spend money. She decided to go into the Buckle to find something for her brother. I have no will power. I was in there about 20 seconds before I started eyeing up a scarf. Then I moved to the coats. Keep in mind that I own at least 13 coats already. Not exaggerated. I didn't want to buy the first coat I was contemplating since it cost too much and didn't fit too well.

Then I saw the most beautiful coat in the world. Not really, but one that I liked a lot. Lisa already decided to buy me the scarf for my Christmas present, so I decided to get the coat and the earrings she told me to get her. I opened a charge account to save a small amount of money on it. I"m going to go over my limit in about 2 days. I'm so dumb.


At 11:57 PM, Blogger paultoes said...

well. at least you're cute. what are you doing tomorrow? (as in wednesday) deena and i see a movie and some beer on the horizon... well, i saw it first and then i forced deena to look at it.

At 12:45 PM, Blogger amanda said...

Scott, cut up the store card NOW. They ruin your credit and make it very, very easy to buy shit you don't need... 'cause it's not lie it's real money, right? Take it from me, the Credit Card Queen - cut up the store card.

At 12:49 PM, Blogger Chargenda said...

no shit. get rid of it while you can. Credit cards are the devil.

At 5:39 PM, Blogger equippedtofascinate said...

Paul, I see working all day, followed by my christmas party for work meaning I got home at almost 9 and this is the first I saw your message.


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