Sunday, May 07, 2006


Did anyone happen to see the commercial for Fords during Desperate Housewives tonight? It's the one where they kept showing the word bold over and over. There were all these different people doing various bold things...shaving their head, skateboarding, etc. The thing that struck me about the commercial was the music. Was it just me, or was it Kelly Clarkson singing? If it was her, which I'm pretty sure it was, what song was that? Does she have a new CD coming out? How exciting.


At 11:45 AM, Blogger Casey said...

Rumor has it that she IS coming out with a new CD, but I don't remember that commercial, or the music for that matter. I do remember Bree's tacky son sleeping with her boyfriend (which kinda turns me on) and then Bree leaving his trashy gay ass out in the country! HOLLA!

At 12:19 PM, Blogger amanda said...

I'm pretty sure that was Kelly, but it's always possible that she just recorded the song for the commercial. I hope she has a new CD out soon - I love her so much!

At 8:15 PM, Blogger equippedtofascinate said...

UPDATE!!!!! It is Kelly. I don't know if she has a new CD coming out or not, but I was asking about it at work today, and everyone was saying that she has a new song on the radio(I never listen to the radio, so I didn't know) so a new CD must be underway. BTW Casey, I thought the scene where she left him on the side of the road was some of the best acting I've seen on that show to date.


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