Monday, October 10, 2005

Another story of when animals attack...

Amanda left a comment on my last post about being attacked by a goose she fed chips to, and that reminded me of this story. When I was a senior in high school, my two younger sisters, my younger brother, and I went up north with our parents. For those of you readers who don't live in Michigan, up north simply means you are anywhere north of your hometown. I don't have a clue as to where we were, much like most Michiganders who state they are "up north" when telling a story.
We were driving along in our rental van, and I broke the window. I didn't realize it wasn't supposed to be forced open, but was electronic(too fancy for me). When my dad stopped to fix it, we noticed a flock(gaggel? what's the term for a bunch of turkeys?) of turkeys. My dad told us how he had been chased by one when he was younger because he was trying to feed it and it didn't like that.
Ok, anyone can take a family vacation and get a picture of them posed in front of a beautiful landscape, but how many people have pictures of turkeys chasing them. Not many, and Molly and I decided it was something we had to do.
We grabbed some crackers and started to run after them. As we ran away, we yelled for our mom to get the camera ready. Let's face it, the turkeys are going to wise up eventually. She refused. Apparently we needed to act our age and she wouldn't take us to the hospital if we were attacked because it was our own fault, or something, I don't know, I wasn't listening, the turkeys were getting further away.
We weren't able to catch the turkeys, so we never got chased. I still think it would have made a great picture to hang in the hallway. What a conversation starter.


At 8:01 PM, Blogger amanda said...

Scott, I love you, but that story sort of sucked.

At 3:20 PM, Blogger equippedtofascinate said...

Be careful Amanda or summerrenee will take your place as my best friend. That story was amazing.


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