Scary Movies
I just returned home from seeing Snakes on a Plane. I won't lie, I liked it. It was funny, scary, and witty, all in one movie. The thing that bothered me most about the movie was when they got the snake expert on the phone, it never occurred to him to tell them to turn up the A/C so they wouldn't be active anymore. He could name the species of every snake on the plane, tell where they were from, and say how long it would be before someone would die after they were bit by each type, but it never occurred to him that snakes are cold blooded and won't move if it's cold. I guess there wouldn't have been much of a movie if that's all it took to save them though.
Anyhow, I actually wanted to write about a different movie tonight. I love scary movies with a passion. Every now and then, there is a scary movie that scares me for months on end after. When I first saw Scream, I was afraid to go anywhere by myself at night for a few weeks. The Mothman Prophecies scared me so badly, that I blocked that movie from my memory, until tonight.
I was talking to Todd before I dropped him off, and he mentioned the movie. For those not familiar, the movie is based on actual events. People see a mothman before a huge disaster, and he gives them clues as to what will happen. It freaked me out. Anyhow, we were talking about it, and I was scared of any shadow that moved, and then I had to drive home by myself.
One of the opening scenes in the movie is when someone actually hits the mothman when driving at night, and then all the terror is unleashed. I've never been so scared to drive as I was tonight. A cat ran in front of me and I almost peed myself. So, if you want a good scare, go rent this movie, but don't discuss it with me when it's done. I want to forget about it again.
I heard this movie sucked, but whatever, I still love you.
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