Monday, June 19, 2006

7 Days

Today marks my one week mark without smoking. You should all be proud of me. This past week has been horrible. Actually, the first few days were horrible, it hasn't been too bad since then. There are two things that get me through it, my nicoderm patches, and support from my friends.
First off are the Nicoderm patches. I'm just going to be straightforward and tell everyone, they don't work. They have done nothing to suppress any cravings. The only thing they are good for is the knowledge that if you smoke after wearing them, you get really sick. That was what got me through many cravings. I didn't want to wake up in the middle of the night shaking uncontrollably like one of my friends told me happened to her.
Like I said, the other thing that has gotten me through is the support from my friends. Especially Noland. I talked to him on the phone for the first time in a few weeks tonight, and he made a comment saying he'll stop doing something(the details escape me right now) when I stop smoking. I was proud of myself and told him I haven't smoked in a week. His response? You shouldn't lie. That's right, the support of my friends has been amazing.


At 6:16 AM, Blogger amanda said...

Aww. I'M proud of you. I heard the gum works pretty well.

At 11:30 AM, Blogger christa said...

I'm proud of you if you care.

At 5:49 PM, Blogger Casey said...

YAH! One of the only times where being a quitter is cool!

Good for you!


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