Friday, August 05, 2005

Full Circle

First, the sad news. I had a great picture of a police car to go along with this post, but my ghetto computer won't let me post it. Such is life. Anyhow, this interesting story starts about 3 weeks ago, and ends with the exciting conclusion that took place yesterday. I would have written this yesterday, but my computer(much like me) has every virus known to mankind and wouldn't let me...too much surfing for porn?
Anyhow, about 3 weeks ago, I had a scare. I went to the bar, like most nights. The difference was that I was actually good that night. I was driving my friend home when she pointed out a cop to me. I told her not to worry, I'm not speeding. Never the less, the po-po decided to pull out behind me and follow me. It kind of worried me, but I was still convinced that I wasn't speeding, so he had no reason to pull me over. I was a little bit wrong about that.
After a mile of following me, he turned on his lights. That's when I realized I had been going through construction, and the speedlimit was actually 45, and not 57, which is what I was clocked at.
Let me just take this moment to remind all of you who aren't familiar with Michigan driving laws, a speeding ticket in construction zones is doubled. That's right, I was going 24 mph over the posted speed, and had been drinking. This was going to be an interesting night.
The nice officer approached my car, and asked me where I was coming from and kindly informed me that I was indeed speeding for the entire mile he followed me. I've always been told never to lie to a cop when you get pulled over, because it will come back to haunt you later. Plus, it was 2:30 in the morning. It was pretty obvious I had been at a bar. Lucky me, I got to do drunk driving tests.
Before I was asked to step out of the car, he asked for my registration and proof of insurance. I knew they were in my glove compartment, but I'm not exactly a neat person, and I had about 50 expired ones in there. Chalk something else up the my pending ticket, because I couldn't find either.
As I stood on the side of the road, I was scared for my life. I was trying to decide who I would call in order to bail me out of jail, when the tests started. I failed every last one because I was shaking so bad from nerves. Then came the dreaded breathalizer. He looked at what I blew and gave me a weird look. I blew a .011. Legal limit is .08. My excuse of being nervous is what caused me to fail every test didn't really float too well with him, so then came the barrage of questions about if I had been using drugs. After doing a somewhat satisfactory job of convincing him that I was indeed not high, I was allowed to return to my car and wait in fear. I may not be going to jail that night, but I still had a hefty ticket hanging over my head.
He ran my plates and license and came back to the car. He asked me if I found my paperwork. I explained I hadn't looked while he wasn't there. Then came the money question. He asked who my dad was. I told him his name and...(dramatic pause)...he knew him. Turns out I went to high school with his son. I wasn't friends with him, but I sure tried to pretend we were at that point in time. It must have worked because he let me go without even a warning.
Fastforward to yesterday. I decided I needed a new shirt to wear to a wedding tonight. Not that I needed a new shirt because I have more than enough clothes as it is but at the time it seemed like a good idea. I ended up at Kohl's and when as I was walking up to the register I noticed the only cashier was the son of the cop whom pulled me over. I decided just to not make eye contact and he wouldn't recognize me. It seemed like a good idea to me, and probably would have worked if I didn't pay with a credit card that has my name on it I'm not really the smartest person you'll ever meet. I couldn't decide if I should ask him to tell his dad hi for me, or just pretend I didn't recognize him, despite his name tag that brazenly told everyone who he was I opted for the second option. I kind of regret it though. His dad did me a favor, and I learned my lesson I think he would like to know that Maybe I'll go back to Kohl's and buy more clothes I don't need just so I can tell him that Probably not though


At 12:02 PM, Blogger amanda said...

I love that this story has a happy ending. I got a little worried there for a minute.

At 9:31 AM, Blogger lovelylisa23 said...

that was the longest post... EVER! (sorry I missed that the first post) yet back to the story I think that was the longest, what, 20 minutes of my life! But thankfully I have a responsible friend like you..... at least a good friend :)


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